Interface Batch.EventDispatcher.Payload

Enclosing class:

public static interface Batch.EventDispatcher.Payload
Accessor to the payload of the dispatched event in BatchEventDispatcher#dispatchEvent(Type, Payload). Declared under Batch.EventDispatcher to avoid ambiguity with BatchEventAttributes and BatchPushPayload.
  • Method Details

    • getTrackingId

      String getTrackingId()
      Get the tracking ID associated with the event. Only set for in-app, see Type#isNotificationEvent().
      the tracking id or null if none is set.
    • getWebViewAnalyticsID

      String getWebViewAnalyticsID()
      Get the button analytics ID associated with the event. Only used for messages of types Type#MESSAGING_WEBVIEW_CLICK or Type#MESSAGING_CLOSE. Matches the "analyticsID" parameter of various methods of the JavaScript SDK.
      the button analytics ID or null if none is available.
    • getDeeplink

      String getDeeplink()
      Get the deeplink url associated with the event. Only set for Type#MESSAGING_CLICK, Type#NOTIFICATION_OPEN and Type#NOTIFICATION_DISPLAY
      the deeplink for the event or null if none is available.
    • isPositiveAction

      boolean isPositiveAction()
      Indicate if the action associated with the event is positive. A positive action is : - An Open for a push campaign - A CTA click or Global tap containing a deeplink or a custom action for a messaging campaign
      Whether it is a positive action or not
    • getCustomValue

      String getCustomValue(String key)
      Get a value from a key within the custom payload associated with the event.
      key - The key of the value to get
      the corresponding value or null if none is set.
    • getMessagingPayload

      BatchMessage getMessagingPayload()
      Get the raw payload associated with the event
      the payload or null if the event is not a message
    • getPushPayload

      BatchPushPayload getPushPayload()
      Get the raw payload associated with the event
      the payload or null if the event is not a push notification