Custom actions

Batch Actions is a module allowing you to register remotely-configurable runnable code to the SDK, when simple deeplinks wouldn't be enough. They can be triggered at any time by the SDK, allowing you to focus on the action code rather than when to trigger it.

Batch comes with builtin actions (deeplinking, user data edition, etc...)

Registering an action

An action has two components:

  • An identifier (case-unsensitive string), which will allow you to reference this action
    • While the identifier string is up to you, it cannot start with "batch.": these identifiers are reserved for built-in actions.
  • An implementation class

Registering them is easy, and should be done in your Application subclass, right before starting Batch:

Batch.Actions.register(new UserAction("<YOUR_ACTION_NAME>", new UserActionRunnable() {
	public void performAction(@Nullable Context context, @NonNull String identifier, @NonNull JSONObject args, @Nullable UserActionSource source) {
		// Your action code here

The source argument represents what caused the action to be triggered. You can use instanceof to check what source it comes from, and read extra arguments (like the custom payload).
Two sources interfaces are currently used: InAppMessageUserActionSource and PushUserActionSource. More might be added in the future.

Unregistering an action

Simply call the unregister method with the previously set identifier:


Triggering an action

You might want to re-use the code you've already registered to Batch from your own code by triggering an action.

Simply give Batch the action identifier and arguments, and it will call your action:

try {
	final JSONObject args = new JSONObject();
	args.put("title", "Hello");
	args.put("body", "How are you doing?");
	Batch.Actions.performAction(this, "alert", args);
} catch (JSONException e) {

Note: Built-in Batch actions are reserved to the SDK and not triggerable that way

Built-in actions

Batch provide a set of pre-defined actions, allowing you to easily trigger a specific behavior without implementing them yourself.

batch.dismissSimply dismiss the notification and exitN/A
batch.deeplinkOpen the provided deeplink (will call the DeeplinkInterceptor if one is set)Object - Required
lString - Required
The deeplink to open
liBoolean - Optional - Default false
If true the Batch SDK will try to open your deeplink inside the app using Chrome CustomTabs
batch.android_request_notificationsShow the notification permissions pop-upN/A
batch.android_redirect_settingsOpen the notifications settings of the current applicationN/A
batch.android_smart_reoptinChecks if the user has already been asked for notifications, if not it shows the notification permissions pop-up, otherwise it opens the notifications settings of the current applicationN/A
batch.user.tagAdd or remove a tag associated with the current userObject - Required
aString - Required
The action to perform.
Acceptable values are add and remove

cString - Required
The collection to use when updating the tag
tString - Required
The tag to update
batch.user.eventSend an event with associated tags and dataObject - Required
eString - Required
The name of the event to send
lString - Optional - default null
The label associated with the event
tArray - Optional - default empty list
A list of tags to be send with the event
aObject - Optional - default empty object
The data to send with the event
batch.groupExecute a list of up to 10 nested actions successivelyObject - Required
actionsArray - Required
A list of actions to perform. This list must not be longer than 10 elements and can't contains actions
batch.clipboardCopy a text to the device's clipboardObject - Required
tString - Required
The text to copy
E.g.{"t":"My awesome text !"}
dString - Optional - default "text"
A descriptive label for the text
E.g.{"d":"Phone number"}
batch.ratingOpens the Google Play In-App Review prompt and asks the user to review the app. Falls back on opening the Play Store or Huawei AppGallery if the Play Core library is not integrated or errors out. Available since Batch 1.17.N/A