Custom region/language

Batch allows you to set a custom region or a custom language that will override the value detected by the SDK. By default, Batch collects the language and the country of your users' devices.

Setting a custom region/language is useful if:

  • You don't want to use the values detected by Batch.
  • Your users can choose their own language or region for localization purposes.

Custom locale

Writing custom region/language

  • Swift
  • Objective-C
BatchProfile.editor { editor in
    try? editor.setLanguage("en") // Language must be 2 chars, lowercase, ISO 639 formatted
    try? editor.setRegion("US") // Region must be 2 chars, uppercase, ISO 3166 formatted
    // If you prefer to use BatchProfile.editor() with local variable instead of usiong a closure,
    // remember to use afterwards so that the changes are taken into account.

If you call editor method before startWithAPIKey it will return nil. You should always call it after you started the SDK, and check nullity to be safe.

Reading custom region/language

Keep in mind that the data returned is only about your installation and not your Profile since it may be updated from another source.

  • Swift
  • Objective-C
// This is how you retrieve your custom values. Values are nil by default.
let language = BatchUser.language()
let region = BatchUser.region()