Class Batch.Inbox

Enclosing class:

public static final class Batch.Inbox extends Object
Batch Inbox module
  • Method Details

    • getFetcher

      public static BatchInboxFetcher getFetcher(Context context)
      Get an inbox fetcher based on the current installation ID. Batch must be started for all of the fetcher's features to work, but you can call this method before starting Batch (such as in your activity's onCreate)
      context - A valid context. Note that the fetcher will hold on to it during its lifetime, so the application context might be more appropriate depending on your usage.
      an instance of BatchInboxFetcher with the wanted configuration
    • getFetcher

      public static BatchInboxFetcher getFetcher(Context context, String userIdentifier, String authenticationKey)
      Get an inbox fetcher for the specified user identifier. Batch must be started for all of the fetcher's features to work, but you can call this method before starting Batch (such as in your activity's onCreate)
      context - A valid context. Note that the fetcher will hold on to it during its lifetime, so the application context might be more appropriate depending on your usage.
      userIdentifier - User identifier for which you want the notifications
      authenticationKey - Secret authentication key: it should be computed your backend and given to this method
      an instance of BatchInboxFetcher with the wanted configuration