Class Batch


public final class Batch extends Object
Entry point of the Batch library
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • start

      public static void start(String apiKey)
      Set the API Key of Batch.

      You should call this method before any other, only one time.
      Typically on the onCreate of your Application class.
      apiKey - Your Batch API Key
    • disableMigration

      public static void disableMigration(EnumSet<BatchMigration> migrations)
      Set data migrations you want to disable.
      migrations - EnumSet of Migrations to disable. See BatchMigration
    • setLoggerDelegate

      public static void setLoggerDelegate(LoggerDelegate delegate)
      Set if Batch should send its logs to an object of yours (default = null)

      Be careful with your implementation: setting this can impact stability and performance
      You should only use it if you know what you are doing.
      delegate - An object implementing LoggerDelegate
    • setLoggerLevel

      public static void setLoggerLevel(LoggerLevel level)
      Set the log level that Batch should use
      level - The level of the logger to use
    • updateAutomaticDataCollection

      public static void updateAutomaticDataCollection(BatchDataCollectionConfig.Editor editor)
      Configure the SDK Automatic Data Collection.
      editor - A callback which will be called with an instance of the data collection config. Once your callback ends, Batch will persist the changes.
    • getSessionID

      public static String getSessionID()
      Get the id of the current session, random uuid used internally by Batch to identify the app session.
      session id if any, null otherwise
    • copyBatchExtras

      public static void copyBatchExtras(Intent from, Intent to)
      Copy Batch's internal data from an intent to another. This is useful if you've got an activity that will not get a chance to start Batch before closing itself, but don't want to break features relying on data put in the intent extras, such as direct open tracking or mobile landings.
      from - Intent to read Batch's data from
      to - Intent to copy Batch's data to
    • copyBatchExtras

      public static void copyBatchExtras(Bundle from, Bundle to)
      Copy Batch's internal data from intent extras to another bundle. This is useful if you've got an activity that will not get a chance to start Batch before closing itself, but don't want to break features relying on data put in the intent extras, such as direct open tracking or mobile landings.
      from - Intent to read Batch's data from
      to - Intent to copy Batch's data to
    • getBroadcastPermissionName

      public static String getBroadcastPermissionName(Context context)
      Get the broadcast permission name.

      Useful if you want to register your broadcast receiver at runtime

    • optOut

      public static void optOut(Context context)
      Opt Out from Batch SDK Usage. Requires Batch to be started.

      Note that calling the SDK when opted out is discouraged: Some modules might behave unexpectedly when the SDK is opted-out from.

      Opting out will: - Prevent Batch#onStart(Activity) or Batch#onServiceCreate(Context, boolean) from doing anything at all - Disable any network capability from the SDK - Disable all In-App campaigns - Make the Inbox module return an error immediately when used - Make the SDK reject any BatchUserProfile or BatchProfileAttributeEditor#save() calls - Make the SDK reject calls to Batch.Profile#trackEvent(String), Batch.Profile#trackLocation(Location) and any related methods

      Even if you opt in afterwards, data that has been generated while opted out WILL be lost.

      If you're also looking at deleting user data, please use Batch#optOutAndWipeData(Context)

      Note that calling this method will stop Batch, effectively simulating calls to Batch#onStop(Activity), Batch#onDestroy(Activity) and Batch#onServiceDestroy(Context). Your app should be prepared to handle these cases. Some features might not be disabled until the next app start.

    • optOut

      public static void optOut(Context context, BatchOptOutResultListener listener)
      Opt Out from Batch SDK Usage. Requires Batch to be started.

      Same as Batch#optOut(Context), with a completion listener.

      Use the listener to be informed about whether the opt-out request has been successfully sent to the server or not. You'll also be able to control what to do in case of failure.

      Note: if the SDK has already been opted-out from, this method will instantly call the listener with a *failure* state.

      See Also:
    • optOutAndWipeData

      public static void optOutAndWipeData(Context context)
      Opt Out from Batch SDK Usage. Requires Batch to be started.

      Same as Batch#optOut(Context) but also wipes data.

      Note that calling this method will stop Batch, effectively simulating calls to Batch#onStop(Activity), Batch#onDestroy(Activity) and Batch#onServiceDestroy(Context). Your app should be prepared to handle these cases.

      See Also:
    • optOutAndWipeData

      public static void optOutAndWipeData(Context context, BatchOptOutResultListener listener)
      Opt Out from Batch SDK Usage. Requires Batch to be started.

      Same as Batch#optOut(Context) but also wipes data.

      Note that calling this method will stop Batch, effectively simulating calls to Batch#onStop(Activity), Batch#onDestroy(Activity) and Batch#onServiceDestroy(Context). Your app should be prepared to handle these cases.

      Use the listener to be informed about whether the opt-out request has been successfully sent to the server or not. You'll also be able to control what to do in case of failure.

      Note: if the SDK has already been opted-out from, this method will instantly call the listener with a *failure* state.

      See Also:
    • optIn

      public static void optIn(Context context)
      Opt In to Batch SDK Usage.

      This method will be taken into account on next full application start (full process restart)

      Only useful if you called Batch#optOut(Context) or Batch#optOutAndWipeData(Context) or opted out by default in the manifest

      Some features might not be disabled until the next app start if you call this late into the application's life. It is strongly advised to restart the application (or at least the current activity) after opting in.

    • isOptedOut

      public static boolean isOptedOut(Context context)
      Returns whether Batch has been opted out from or not

      Warning: This method might perform some quick I/O in the caller thread.

    • setFindMyInstallationEnabled

      public static void setFindMyInstallationEnabled(boolean enabled)
      Control whether Batch should enables the Find My Installation feature (default = true)

      If enabled Batch will copy the current installation id in the clipboard when the application is foregrounded 5 times within 12 seconds.

      enabled - Whether to enable the find my installation feature.
    • onCreate

      public static void onCreate(Activity activity)
      Method to call on your main activity Activity#onCreate(Bundle).
      activity - Created activity
    • onStart

      public static void onStart(Activity activity)
      Method to call on your main activity Activity#onStart() to start Batch and support URL scheme events.
      You must call this method before any other on Batch.

      Will fail and log an Error if
      • Given activity is null
      • You call it before calling Batch#start(String)
      • Your app doesn't have android.permission.INTERNET permission
      activity - The activity that's starting
    • onServiceCreate

      public static void onServiceCreate(Context context, boolean userActivity)
      Method to call on your service Service#onCreate() to start Batch.
      You must call this method before any other on Batch.
      Note that all Batch functionality is not available in this mode. See the documentation for more info.

      Using this method, you'll also be able to control whether this start should count as user activity or not. This might impact Analytics.
      Will fail and log an Error if
      • Given context is null
      • You call it before calling Batch#start(String)
      • Your app doesn't have android.permission.INTERNET permission
      context - The service or application context
      userActivity - If the start comes from user activity or for background use only
    • onServiceDestroy

      public static void onServiceDestroy(Context context)
      Method to call on your service Service#onDestroy() to stop Batch.
      Calling this method if Batch is already stopped or not started will do nothing

      context - The service or application context
    • onNewIntent

      public static void onNewIntent(Activity activity, Intent intent)
      Method to call on your main activity Activity#onNewIntent(Intent)
      Calling this method if Batch is already stopped or not started will do nothing
      intent - Android's intent
    • onStop

      public static void onStop(Activity activity)
      Method to call on your main activity Activity#onStop()
      Calling this method if Batch is already stopped or not started will do nothing
      activity - the activity that generate the onStop event
    • onDestroy

      public static void onDestroy(Activity activity)
      Method to call on your main activity Activity#onDestroy()
      Calling this method if Batch is already stopped or not started will do nothing
      activity - the activity that generate the onDestroy event