Class Batch.Push

Enclosing class:

public static final class Batch.Push extends Object
Batch Push module
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • setSmallIconResourceId

      public static void setSmallIconResourceId(int resourceId)
      Set a custom small icon resource that push notifications will use.
      resourceId - id of the resource (for example : R.drawable.push_small_icon)
    • setSound

      public static void setSound(Uri uri)
      Set a custom sound uri that push notifications will use.
      On Android 8.0, this setting will be applied to the default NotificationChannel that Batch registers, meaning that you won't be able to change it after the first notification. If you use your own channel, this method will have no effect.
      uri - uri of the resource (see Notification.Builder.setSound for more details)
      null if you want to use the default notification sound
    • setLargeIcon

      public static void setLargeIcon(Bitmap largeIcon)
      Set a custom large icon that push notifications will use.
      largeIcon - bitmap of the large icon
    • getChannelsManager

      public static BatchNotificationChannelsManager getChannelsManager()
      Get the channels manager, allowing you to tweak how notifications will behave regarding the channels feature introduced in Android 8.0 (API 26)
    • dismissNotifications

      public static void dismissNotifications()
      Dismiss all notifications shown by the application.

      You should call this method after have other notifications in your app.
    • getNotificationsType

      public static EnumSet<PushNotificationType> getNotificationsType(Context context)
      Get the enabled notification types
      Matches what you've set in setNotificationsType.
      Type of notifications you previously set. Be careful, as this can be null if you never used setNotificationsType() or if your context is invalid
    • setNotificationsType

      public static void setNotificationsType(EnumSet<PushNotificationType> types)
      Adjust the way Batch will display notifications.
      You should use this method if you want to remove vibration, light, sound or avoid notifications for this user.

      Note: On Android 8.0 and higher, this method ignores PushNotificationType#LIGHTS, PushNotificationType#VIBRATE and PushNotificationType#SOUND.
      Only PushNotificationType#ALERT will be honored, toggling whether notifications should be displayed or not.
      This is because Android 8 manages notifications using channels, meaning that these settings cannot be in your app anymore, and must redirect to the system's UI.
      Use Push#getChannelsManager() to manage your channels.

      types - Type of notifications you want, default = ALERT + LIGHTS + VIBRATE + SOUND
    • isBatchPush

      public static boolean isBatchPush(Intent intent)
      Check if the received push is a Batch one. If you have a custom push implementation into your app you should call this method before doing anything else into the BroadcastReceiver#onReceive(Context, Intent) method. If it returns true, you should not handle the push.
      intent - Android's intent that hold the push
      true if the push is for Batch and you shouldn't handle it, false otherwise
    • isBatchPush

      public static boolean isBatchPush( message)
      Check if the received push is a Batch one. If you have a custom push implementation into your app you should call this method before doing anything else. If it returns true, you should not handle the push.
      message - Firebase RemoteMessage
      true if the push is for Batch and you shouldn't handle it, false otherwise
    • setNotificationsColor

      public static void setNotificationsColor(int argbColor)
      Set the notification accent color for Lollipop or later. See Notification.color for more details
      argbColor - an ARGB integer like the constants in Color
    • isManualDisplayModeActivated

      public static boolean isManualDisplayModeActivated()
      Get manual display mode for push notifications.
    • setManualDisplay

      public static void setManualDisplay(boolean manualDisplay)
      Set manual display mode for push notifications.
      If you set manual display mode to true, no notifications will be shown automatically and you'll have to display it by yourself.
      manualDisplay - Whether manual display mode is enabled or not.
    • appendBatchData

      public static void appendBatchData(Intent pushIntent, Intent openIntent)
      Append Batch data to your open intent so that opens from this push will be tracked by Batch and displayed into your dashboard. It also powers other features, such as but not limited to mobile landings.
      pushIntent - the intent from GCM/FCM, that originated this push
      openIntent - the intent of the notification the will be triggered when the user clicks on it
    • appendBatchData

      public static void appendBatchData(Bundle pushIntentExtras, Intent openIntent)
      Append Batch data to your open intent so that opens from this push will be tracked by Batch and displayed into your dashboard. It also powers other features, such as but not limited to mobile landings.
      pushIntentExtras - the extras of the intent coming from GCM/FCM, that originated this push
      openIntent - the intent of the notification the will be triggered when the user clicks on it
    • appendBatchData

      public static void appendBatchData( remoteMessage, Intent openIntent)
      Append Batch data to your open intent so that opens from this push will be tracked by Batch and displayed into your dashboard. It also powers other features, such as but not limited to mobile landings.
      remoteMessage - the FCM message content
      openIntent - the intent of the notification the will be triggered when the user clicks on it
    • makePendingIntent

      public static PendingIntent makePendingIntent(Context context, Intent intent, Bundle pushIntentExtras)
      Make a PendingIntent suitable for notifications from a given Intent. This is useful for custom receivers, or BatchNotificationInterceptor implementations.

      Warning: it will override the intent's action with a unique name, to ensure that existing notifications are not updated with this PendingIntent's content. If you rely on a custom action, you will have to make your own PendingIntent.

      context - Context. Cannot be null.
      intent - The intent you want to be triggered when performing the pending intent. Must be an intent compatible with PendingIntent#getActivity(Context, int, Intent, int). Cannot be null.
      pushIntentExtras - Raw extras of the push intent, used to copy data used by Batch to power features such as direct opens, or mobile landings. Cannot be null. If these extras don't have valid Batch data in it, a valid PendingIntent will still be returned, but some features might not work correctly.
      A PendingIntent instance, wrapping the given Intent.
    • makePendingIntent

      public static PendingIntent makePendingIntent(Context context, Intent intent, remoteMessage)
      Make a PendingIntent suitable for notifications from a given Intent. This is useful for custom receivers, or BatchNotificationInterceptor implementations.

      Warning: it will override the intent's action with a unique name, to ensure that existing notifications are not updated with this PendingIntent's content. If you rely on a custom action, you will have to make your own PendingIntent.

      context - Context. Cannot be null.
      intent - The intent you want to be triggered when performing the pending intent. Must be an intent compatible with PendingIntent#getActivity(Context, int, Intent, int). Cannot be null.
      remoteMessage - Raw Firebase message, used to copy data used by Batch to power features such as direct opens, or mobile landings. Cannot be null. If these extras don't have valid Batch data in it, a valid PendingIntent will still be returned, but some features might not work correctly.
      A PendingIntent instance, wrapping the given Intent.
    • makePendingIntentForDeeplink

      public static PendingIntent makePendingIntentForDeeplink(Context context, String deeplink, Bundle pushIntentExtras)
      Make a PendingIntent suitable for notifications from a given deeplink. It will use Batch's builtin action activity.

      This is useful for custom receivers, or BatchNotificationInterceptor implementations.

      context - Context. Cannot be null.
      deeplink - Deeplink string. Cannot be null.
      pushIntentExtras - Raw extras of the push intent, used to copy data used by Batch to power features such as direct opens, or mobile landings. Cannot be null. If these extras don't have valid Batch data in it, a valid PendingIntent will still be returned, but some features might not work correctly.
      A PendingIntent set to open Batch's builtin action activity to open the specified deeplink. Can be null if the deeplink is not valid.
    • makePendingIntentForDeeplink

      public static PendingIntent makePendingIntentForDeeplink(Context context, String deeplink, remoteMessage)
      Make a PendingIntent suitable for notifications from a given deeplink. It will use Batch's builtin action activity.

      This is useful for custom receivers, or BatchNotificationInterceptor implementations.

      context - Context. Cannot be null.
      deeplink - Deeplink string. Cannot be null.
      remoteMessage - Raw Firebase message content, used to copy data used by Batch to power features such as direct opens, or mobile landings. Cannot be null. If these extras don't have valid Batch data in it, a valid PendingIntent will still be returned, but some features might not work correctly.
      A PendingIntent set to open Batch's builtin action activity to open the specified deeplink. Can be null if the deeplink is not valid.
    • shouldDisplayPush

      public static boolean shouldDisplayPush(Context context, Intent intent)
      Should the developer handle and display this push, or will Batch display it? Use this method to know if Batch will ignore this push, and that displaying it is your responsibility
      true if the push will not be processed by Batch and should be handled, false otherwise
    • shouldDisplayPush

      public static boolean shouldDisplayPush(Context context, remoteMessage)
      Should the developer handle and display this push, or will Batch display it? Use this method to know if Batch will ignore this push, and that displaying it is your responsibility
      context - Android's context
      remoteMessage - The Firebase message
      true if the push will not be processed by Batch and should be handled, false otherwise
    • displayNotification

      public static void displayNotification(Context context, Intent intent)
      Call this method to display the notification for this intent.
      context - Android's context
      intent - Android's intent
    • displayNotification

      public static void displayNotification(Context context, Intent intent, boolean bypassManualMode)
      Call this method to display the notification for this intent.
      context - Android's context
      intent - Android's intent
      bypassManualMode - If true, This method will ignore the manual mode value and always display the notification
    • displayNotification

      public static void displayNotification(Context context, Intent intent, BatchNotificationInterceptor interceptor)
      Call this method to display the notification for this intent. Allows an interceptor to be set for this call, overriding the global one set using Batch.Push#setNotificationInterceptor(BatchNotificationInterceptor)
      context - Android's context
      intent - Android's intent
    • displayNotification

      public static void displayNotification(Context context, Intent intent, BatchNotificationInterceptor interceptor, boolean bypassManualMode)
      Call this method to display the notification for this intent. Allows an interceptor to be set for this call, overriding the global one set using Batch.Push#setNotificationInterceptor(BatchNotificationInterceptor)
      context - Android's context
      intent - Android's intent
      interceptor - An optional notification interceptor
      bypassManualMode - If true, This method will ignore the manual mode value and always display the notification
    • displayNotification

      public static void displayNotification(Context context, remoteMessage)
      Call this method to display the notification for this message.
    • displayNotification

      public static void displayNotification(Context context, remoteMessage, BatchNotificationInterceptor interceptor)
      Call this method to display the notification for this message. Allows an interceptor to be set for this call, overriding the global one set using Batch.Push#setNotificationInterceptor(BatchNotificationInterceptor)
    • setAdditionalIntentFlags

      public static void setAdditionalIntentFlags(Integer flags)
      Sets additional intent flags for notifications. Doesn't work for external deeplinks.
      flags - Additional flags. "null" to clear.
    • onNotificationDisplayed

      public static void onNotificationDisplayed(Context context, Intent intent)
      Call this method when you just displayed a Batch push notification by yourself.
      context - Android's context
      intent - the gcm push intent
    • onNotificationDisplayed

      public static void onNotificationDisplayed(Context context, remoteMessage)
      Call this method when you just displayed a Batch push notification by yourself.
      context - Android's context
      remoteMessage - The Firebase message
    • getRegistration

      public static BatchPushRegistration getRegistration()
      Get the current push registration.

      The returned registration might be outdated and invalid if this method is called too early in your application lifecycle.

      Batch MUST be started in order to use this method.

      A push registration, null if unavailable.
    • setNotificationInterceptor

      public static void setNotificationInterceptor(BatchNotificationInterceptor interceptor)
      Set a notification interceptor. It allows you to tweak various parts of a notification that Batch generates before displaying it.
      interceptor - A BatchNotificationInterceptor subclass. Null to remove a previously set one.
    • refreshRegistration

      public static void refreshRegistration()
      Force Batch to renew the push token. You should not be calling this method unless we told you to.
    • requestNotificationPermission

      public static void requestNotificationPermission(Context context)
      Request the notification runtime permission.

      Android 13 (API 33) introduced a new runtime permission for notifications called POST_NOTIFICATIONS. Without this permission, apps on Android 13 cannot show notifications.

      Note: This method does nothing on Android 12 and lower, or if your application does not target API 33 or higher.

      context - requesting the permission
    • requestNotificationPermission

      public static void requestNotificationPermission(Context context, BatchPermissionListener listener)
      Request the notification runtime permission.

      Android 13 (API 33) introduced a new runtime permission for notifications called POST_NOTIFICATIONS. Without this permission, apps on Android 13 cannot show notifications.

      Note: This method does nothing on Android 12 and lower, or if your application does not target API 33 or higher.

      context - requesting the permission
      listener - Callback notifying whether the permission has been granted or not. Note that the permission will be considered as granted on Android 12 and lower. Listener will not be triggered if your application does not target API 33 or higher.