SDK opt-out (e.g. GDPR)

If you plan to send personal user data and have to comply with EU's GDPR, any other data privacy law or simply want to give your users more control regarding their privacy, these methods will help you plug your consent screen to Batch.

There are two SDK operation modes:

  • SDK enabled by default, opting-out required via an explicit method call: this is the default mode.
  • SDK disabled by default, optin-in required

Important: Disabling the SDK will also disable In-App messages, data collection and may not disable notifications if you are using a custom receiver. In case you simply want to implement a custom opt-out, we recommend you use Batch's native methods (know more here).


In order to opt-out from SDK, simply call:

  • Kotlin
  • Java

Opting out will:

  • Prevent Batch.onStart(Activity) or Batch.onServiceCreate(Context, boolean) from doing anything at all.
  • Disable any network capability from the SDK.
  • Disable all In-App campaigns.
  • Make the Inbox module return an error immediately when used.
  • Make the SDK reject any calls.
  • Make the SDK reject calls to Batch.Profile.trackEvent(), Batch.Profile.trackLocation() and any related methods.

Even if you opt-in afterwards, data generated (such as user data or tracked events) while opted out WILL be lost.

Important note: Calling this method will stop Batch, effectively simulating calls to Batch.onStop(Activity), Batch.onDestroy(Activity) and Batch.onServiceDestroy(Context).

You can also wipe the SDK installation data:

  • Kotlin
  • Java

This will wipe the data locally and request a remote data removal for the matching Installation ID and its associated data.
Any user-level data associated with the Custom User ID (if any) set via our server APIs will not be deleted. However, the Installation ID <> Custom User ID association will be, effectively logging the user out before deleting their installation data.
Sending notifications to this user using their Advertising ID (via the Transactional API or a Custom Audience) will not be possible for a month.

Note: Opting out is not possible while the SDK hasn't started. Make sure you've called Batch.onStart(Activity) beforehand.

Disabling the SDK by default

In order to disable the SDK by default, you need to add a meta-data entry to your AndroidManifest's <application> tag:

<meta-data android:name="batch_opted_out_by_default" android:value="true" />


Once you've opted-out (either programmatically, or by default), you can re-enable the SDK by calling the following:

  • Kotlin
  • Java

Note: Even if you've already done so before opting-out, you are required to call Batch.onStart() or the SDK won't work until the next start.