All Classes and Interfaces

Entry point of the Batch library
Batch Action manager
Batch Debug module
Batch EventDispatcher module
Accessor to the payload of the dispatched event in BatchEventDispatcher#dispatchEvent(Type, Payload).
Represents the type of the dispatched event in BatchEventDispatcher#dispatchEvent(Type, Payload).
Batch Inbox module
Batch Messaging module
Listener interface for messaging views lifecycle events.
Listener interface for messaging events.
Batch Profile module
Batch Push module
Batch User module
Dummy activity that starts BatchActionService or opens a deeplink
Service that Batch uses to respond to actions when not in an activity
Implementation of Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks for managing Batch's lifecycle
Model for the content of an Alert In-App/Landing message
Listener used when fetching attributes using Batch.User#fetchAttributes(Context, BatchAttributesFetchListener).
Model for the content of a Banner In-App/Landing message
BatchBannerView handles operations related to a Batch In-App Messaging banner, when used in manual mode.
Batch Automatic Data Collection related configuration.
Editor interface to edit the BatchDataCollectionConfig
Abstract class describing a deeplink interceptor.
JobService implementation of Batch Display Receipt
Enum defining the state of an email subscription
Object holding attributes to be associated to an event Keys should be made of letters, numbers or underscores ([a-z0-9_]) and can't be longer than 30 characters.
Interface used when listening for event to dispatch.
Model for the content of an image-only message
A subclass of BatchMessage that represents an In-App message
Interface defining a BatchInAppMessage content model object.
BatchInboxFetcher allows you to fetch notifications that have been sent to a user (or installation, more on that later) in their raw form, allowing you to display them in a list, for example.
BatchInboxNotificationContent is a model representing the content of an inbox notification
Model for the content of an Interstitial In-App/Landing message
A subclass of BatchMessage that represents a push landing message
Model representing a Batch Messaging message.
Formats that can be contained into a BatchMessage.
Represents a BatchAction triggerable by a messaging component
Represents a BatchAction triggerable by a basic CTA messaging component
Batch Messaging Exception.
Class providing method implementation for the In-App Webview javascript SDK.
Model for the content of a modal message
Represents a Notification Action button
BatchNotificationChannelsManager manages how Batch interacts with Android 8.0 (API 26).
Interface describing a channel name provider.
Interface describing a channel ID interceptor for notifications displayed by Batch
Implementation of ChannelNameProvider using a String resource to automatically fetch the right translation.
Abstract class describing a notification interceptor.
BatchNotificationSource represents how the push was sent from Batch: via the Transactional API, or using a Push Campaign The value might be unknown for forward compatibility, or if the information was missing.
Interface describing a listener for server-side Opt-Out/Opt-Out and wipe acknowledgment
Dummy activity that ask a runtime permission to the user
Interface for requesting runtime permission with callback.
Batch Profile Attribute Editor
JobService implementation of Batch Push
Batch's implementation of dismiss intent of push notification
Batch's implementation of FCM's Push BroadcastReceiver
Convenience object to retrieve standardized Batch data out of a Batch Push intent.
This class does not have a public constructor.
Represents a payload parsing exception.
Class holding the push registration information.
Batch's service for handling the push messages and show a notification
Listener used when fetching tag collections using Batch.User#fetchTagCollections(Context, BatchTagCollectionsFetchListener).
Model for the content of an WebView message
Reason for Batch failure
Represents an In-App Message user action source.
A dense indexed sequence of values.
Thrown to indicate a problem with the JSON API.
Helper json methods that don't belong in JSON
A modifiable set of name/value mappings.
Parses a JSON (RFC 4627) encoded string into the corresponding object.
Interface declaring methods that needs to be implemented for a Logger delegate.
Activity that only lives to display a messaging fragment
Enum that define how notifications should be display
Defines a push notification registration provider
Represents a push user action source
Model that represents an user action, which can be triggered by Batch SDK in various contexts.
Represents an UserAction's runnable.
Represents an action source.
Utility class to easily get webservice parameters